Presentation LAC2024 Conference
The next Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC) will take place in Alcalá de Henares in June 2024 at the University of Alcalá which, together with the Instituto de Historia of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), is organizing this meeting. The conference aims to follow on from LAC2020+1, which was based in Madrid but due to the Covid pandemic was finally held online. LAC2024 also aims to gather an important number of international participants with an emphasis on interdisciplinary work. In fact, under the title ‘Human challenges in a context of changing landscapes’, we are looking for studies showing that Landscape Archaeology is much more than Archaeology, encompassing Geology, Geography, Environmental studies, Anthropology, History or Cultural Heritage management, just to mention some of the potential approaches. But a combination of methodologies and techniques will also be welcome, such as Archaeo-biology, Archaeometry, Geo-archaeology or Spatial analysis.
There is still much to do in the research on landscape transformation and its relationship with climate, environment and human behaviour. This crucial challenge will be faced in our next Conference in 2024 and we hope you will all join us in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), one of the most beautiful urban centres in Spain. Indeed, the historic buildings of the University of Alcalá, founded in 1499, together with the Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid, make this an excellent venue to celebrate an international conference such as the Landscape Archaeological Conference.